1998 New York International Auto Show
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- Ford Libre (rf)
- Ford Libre (left side, interior)
- Audi A6 Avant (rr)
- Porsche 911 Cabrio (or Boxster, who can tell? why bother?)
- Porsche 911 (close-up, rf)
- Porsche 911 (close-up, rr & modular wheels)
- Porsche 911 (rf)
- Porsche Boxster (detail, roof rack pillar)
- Acura NSX-T (rr)
- Mazda Miata (rf, on articulated platform)
- Mazda Miata (left, on articulated platform)
- Mazda (show floor)
- Ford Taurus NASCAR (show version, Dale Jarrett #88 paint)
- Subaru (lr)
- Subaru (left)
- Saturn Quaker State SCCA Champion (rf)
- Saturn Quaker State SCCA Champion (underhood)
- Saturn Quaker State SCCA Champion (interior)
- Saturn booth from above
- Chevrolet Monte Carlo Intimidator (lr)
- Chevrolet Monte Carlo Intimidator (lf)
- Chevrolet Monte Carlo Intimidator (detail, tailamps)
- Chevrolet Corvette Indianapolis 500 Pace Car (lr, detail)
- Buick Signia (rr)
- Buick Signia (right, interior)
- Buick Signia (rf)
- Dodge Intrepid Cut-Away
- Dodge Intrepid ESX2 (rf)
- Dodge Intrepid ESX2 (lf)
- Dodge Intrepid ESX2 (rr)
- Plymouth Prowler (lr, detail)
- Plymouth Prowler (detail, cycle fender)
- Plymouth Prowler (interior)
- Plymouth Pronto Spyder (rf)
- Plymouth Pronto Spyder (rr)
- Plymouth Pronto Spyder (left, interior)
- Plymouth Pronto Spyder (lf)
- Plymouth Pronto Spyder (left, interior)
- Plymouth Pronto Spyder (lf)
- Plymouth Pronto Spyder (front)
- Chrysler Chronos (rear)
- Chrysler Chronos (front)
- Plymouth Pronto Cruizer (rf)
- Plymouth Pronto Cruizer (rr)
- Plymouth Pronto Cruizer (rear, detail)
- Plymouth Pronto Cruizer display
- Plymouth Pronto Cruizer (lf)
- Dodge Durango display
- Dodge Durango Cut-Away
- BMW M Coupe (rr)
- BMW M Coupe (rr)
- BMW M Coupe (rr)
- BMW M Coupe (right)
- BMW M Coupe (lf)
- BMW M Coupe (detail, vent)
- BMW M Coupe (lf, detail)
- BMW M Coupe (lf, detail)
- BMW M Coupe (l, interior)
- BMW 740iL with Drive For The Cure signatures (detail, c pillar)
- BMW Z07 (lf)
- BMW Z07 (left)
- BMW Z07 (rr)
- BMW Z07 (r, interior)
- BMW Z07 (l, interior)
- BMW Z07 (front)
- Mercedes Maybach (rf)
- Pontiac display
- Nissan Trail Runner (left, interior)
- Nissan Trail Runner (rr)
- Infiniti-powered (Ford-inspired) Hot Rod (rf)
- Lexus-powered (Ford-inspired) Hot Rod (rf)
- Lexus-powered (Ford-inspired) Hot Rod (rr)
- Toyota e.com electric car (rf)
- Toyota e.com electric car (interior)
- Toyota e.com electric car (rf, detail)
- Jeep Jeepster (rf)
- Jeep Jeepster (rf, tight)
- Jeep Jeepster (right, interior)
- Jeep Jeepster (lr, detail)
- Jeep Wrangler 'Rescue' show vehicle (lr)
- Jeep Wrangler 'Rescue' show vehicle (lf, detail)
- Jeep Cherokee 'Rescue' show vehicle (lr)
- Jeep Cherokee 'Rescue' show vehicle (detail, rack and rollbar)
- 1950ish Land Rover (front)
- Custom Mazda Pickup (rr)
- Honda-powered CART Ganassi racing car (on wall)
- Honda-powered CART Ganassi racing car (detail)
- Honda-powered CART Ganassi racing car (rear)
- Honda CART engine
- Pontiac Montana Thunder (front)
- Pontiac Montana Thunder (fr)
- Hand-painted economy car

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All photographs taken with an Olympus D300L digital camera at low resolution setting.
All photographs and digital artwork copyright 1997, Michael Wendell.
Not to be reproduced in any form without written permission.