1998 SCCA DC Region Spring Drivers School
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Small Bore Group
- The small bore group (ITB/ITC/SSB/SSC/SRX7) grids for their second session
- Malcom Vosburgh brakes for turn 10 in his ITC 1979 VW Rabbit
- Entering turn 10, the 1995 Nissan 240SX (SSB) of Trevor Hopwood
- Rick Ricker enters turn 10 in his 88 VW GTI (ITB)
- 1979 ITC Ford Fiesta driven by Michael Kohut enters turn 10
- Ronald willis enters turn 10 in an ITB 1972 BMW 2002
- Tom Williams takes the inside line through turn 10, passing Donald Brooks
- James Stankard turns in for 10 in his 1984 Honda CRX (ITC)
- James Thill's clean SRX-7 enters turn 10
- Rick Ricker out-brakes Bill Cuttitta going into turn 10
- The ITB 1971 BMW 2002 of Ernest Davis negotiates turn 10
- Tim Miller enters turn 10 in his 1984 Nissan 200-SC (ITB)
- ITC Volkswagen Scirocco entering turn 10
- Paritosh Desai's 1984 SRX7 turns in for 10
- Entering turn 10, the clean 1985 Honda CRX (ITC) of Matt Chaplin
- Ernest Davis passes Stephanie Van Why entering turn 10
- James Stem's fast 1972 Volvo 142 Coupe (ITB) in turn 10
- The brand new 1997 Plymouth Neon (SSB) of Bill Baum enters 10
- Nicholas Lodowski enters 10 in his colorful SSB Mazda Miata
- ITC Nissan Pulsar enters turn 10
- Roger Lavine banks into 10 in his 1979 ITC Volkswagen Scirocco
- The ITB Volkswagen Scirocco of Shane VonHartleben enters turn 10
- Ronald willis enters turn 10 in an ITB 1972 BMW 2002, again
- Swedish flag paint job of Sharon Gould's ITB 1973 Volvo 142 E in turn 1
- Tim Miller's 1984 ITB Nissan 200SC between turns 1 & 2
- Stephanie Van Why's 1974 Opel Manta (ITB) heading for turn 2
- The low 1972 ITB Volvo 142 of James Stem accelerates away from turn 1
- DBM Racing ITC Volkswagen Rabbit in turn 1
- Shawn Dewey get through turn 1 in an SSC 1995 Eagle Talon
- Michael Kohut in turn 1 in his 1979 Ford Fiesta (ITC)
- Turn 1 is negotiated by the 1974 BMW 2002 (ITB) of Bob Schumaker
- The ITB 1971 BMW 2002 of Ernest Davis negotiates turn 1, entering turn 2
- Off-track at turn 1 is Trevor Hopwood in his 1995 Nissan 240SX (SSB)
- Tom Williams takes the inside line through turn 10, passing Donald Brooks
- Is Rick Ricker pushing George Bloeser, Jr. through the Carousel?
- Ernest Davis approaches the Carousel in his ITB 1971 BMW 2002
- 1979 ITC Ford Fiesta goes tight and flips in the Carousel
- Michael Kohut lands his ITC Fiesta greasy-side-up
- Driver, Michael Kohut, walks away
- The Small Bore Group instructors at turn 1 salute the students after the five lap race
- Taylor Barefoot, in the ITB 1979 BMW 320i, dices with a Volkswagen Scirocco in turn 1
- George Bloeser, Jr. takes an inside line through turn 1 to pass Paritosh Desai
- Three-wide in turn 1, Van Why (Opel), Schumaker (BMW), and Desai (RX7)
- James Stem's 1972 Volvo 142 Coupe (ITB) in turn 1
- Bob Schumaker's 1974 BMW 2002 (ITB) enters turn 1
- The 1985 Honda CRX (ITC) of Matt Chaplin takes an inside line to Tom Sweeten's SRX7
- An ITC Scirocco tries to get inside James Stem's ITB Volvo at turn 1
- Rick Ricker locks 'em up getting inside of an ITC Rabbit in turn 1
- Matt Chaplin's 1985 Honda CRX (ITC) in turn 1

Formula and Spec Racer Group
- FV (Caldwell D-13) of Cristopher DeNicola in turn 9
- Glenn Tupper's Caldwell D-13 (FV) in turn 9
- Geroger Houtz pilots a borrowed Zink through turn 9
- John Mascho's FV Caldwell in turn 9
- Joseph Hofbauer's F500 Phantom in turn 9
- Wayne Block brings his SRF through turn 9
- The Buzzard 962 (FV) of Meredith Busby in turn 9
- Chad Block's SRF in turn 9
- David Reichenthal in a Zink Z-10C (CF) negotiates turn 9
- John Voissem's Sidewinder 95 (F500) in turn 9
- Crossle 35-F (CF) driven through turn 9 by Douglas Davis
- Darryl Kane pilots a quick VanDiemen RF-94 (FC) through turn 9
- Meredith Busby negotiates turn 9 in the unique Buzzard 962 (FV)
- Dale Furnia's SRF in turn 9
- Cristopher DeNicola's Caldwell D-13 (FV) in turn 9
- FV (Caldwell D-13) of Glenn Tupper in turn 9
- John Mascho negotiates turn 9 in the a Caldwell D-13 (FV)
- Cristopher DeNicola's Caldwell D-13 (FV) in turn 9
- Darryl Kane readies to pass Hank Bilek entering turn 9
- John Voissem's Sidewinder 95 (F500) enters Wagon Bend
- Crossle 35-F (CF) driven through turn 3, Wagon Bend, by Douglas Davis
- Joseph Hofbauer's enters turn 3 in his F500 Phantom
- Douglas Davis negotiates Wagon Bend in his Crossle 35-F (CF)
- Dale Furnia's SRF in turn 3, Wagon Bend
- James Stankard turns in for 10 in his 1984 Honda CRX (ITC)
- James Thill's clean SRX-7 enters turn 10
- Rick Ricker out-brakes Bill Cuttitta going into turn 10
- The ITB 1971 BMW 2002 of Ernest Davis negotiates turn 10
- Tim Miller enters turn 10 in his 1984 Nissan 200-SC (ITB)
- ITC Volkswagen Scirocco entering turn 10
- Paritosh Desai's 1984 SRX7 turns in for 10
- Entering turn 10, the clean 1985 Honda CRX (ITC) of Matt Chaplin
- Ernest Davis passes Stephanie Van Why entering turn 10
- James Stem's fast 1972 Volvo 142 Coupe (ITB) in turn 10
- The brand new 1997 Plymouth Neon (SSB) of Bill Baum enters 10
- Nicholas Lodowski enters 10 in his colorful SSB Mazda Miata
- ITC Nissan Pulsar enters turn 10
- Roger Lavine banks into 10 in his 1979 ITC Volkswagen Scirocco
- The ITB Volkswagen Scirocco of Shane VonHartleben enters turn 10
- Ronald willis enters turn 10 in an ITB 1972 BMW 2002, again
- Meredith Busby and the Buzzard 962 (FV) wing through Wagon Bend
- Glenn Tupper's Caldwell D-13 (FV) in turn 3, Wagon Bend
- Jeffrey Lugas runs through turn 9 in his Caldwell D-13 (FV)
- Meredith Busby and the Buzzard 962 (FV) entering turn 10
- Turn 9 is negotiated by Robert Gilbert in an SRF
- Guy Pipitone, in a bright yellow Citation (FV), enters turn 10
- Entering the pits, Glenn Tupper in his flat-sided Caldwell D-13
- Jeff Carpenter's John Deere green Zink Z-19 (F500) in turn 10
- Cristopher DeNicola's Caldwell D-13 (FV) through turn 10
- Guy Pipitone's Citation (FV) enters turn 7
- Hank Bilek enters turn 10 in his F500 KBS Mk-8
- Darryl Kane enters the pit in his VanDiemen RF-94 (FC)
- Robert Gilbert (SRF) and John Mascho (FV) enter the pits, arms up.
- Entering turn 10, the Crossle 35-F (CF) of Douglas Davis
- Chris Current accelerates through turn 10 in his white SRF
- Glenn Tupper's Caldwell D-13 (FV) in turn 10, from the Don Beyer Grandstand
- Robert Gilbert's SRF in turn 10
- David Reichenthal accelerating through turn 10 in a Zink Z-10C (CF)
- Glenn Tupper's Caldwell D-13 (FV) climbs turn 3, Wagon Bend
- Chad E Block's SRF enters 1 in traffic
- Meredith Busby aims for the apex of 1 in her Buzzard 962 (FV)
- Nice turn-in at 1 from Glenn Tupper in his Caldwell D-13 (FV)
- The Buzzard 962 (FV) of Meredith Busby goes agricultural outside of turn 1
- John Mascho at speed in turn 1 in his Caldwell D-13

Big Bore Group
- Bruce McIntosh, GTP, entering turn 9
- Mike Hershberger, GTP, exiting turn 8
- Alfred duPont's ITE BMW M3 in turn 9
- David Bell's 1982 Mazda RX7 (ITA) enters turn 9
- ITE Ford Mustang (1993) of Mark Warno in turn 9
- Alfred duPont's ITE BMW M3 negotiates the Carousel
- Owen Schefer loops his ITA Mazda RX-7 in the Carousel
- uh-oh, wrong way!
- Ernest Fitzhugh's radical FP MG Midget exits turn 6b
- Exceptionally clean 1986 Mazda RX7 (ITS) of Scott Linton in the Carousel
- Clinton Jay Almond's 1988 Honda CRX-Si through turn 6b
- Michael Cerratani's 1982 Mazda RX7 (ITA) in the Carousel
- Alfred duPont's ITE BMW M3 negotiates the Carousel again
- ITE cars of Steve Foulk (Corvette) and Mark Warno (Mustang) in the Carousel
- Wayne Warehime's dark green GTP exits the Carousel
- Mike Wagner's GTP leads a group through the Carousel
- The big GT1 Corvette of Jeannette L Udwary in turn 6b
- Chris Cobetto knocks on Kez Ford's back door in the Carousel
- Mark Dougherty's 1965 Mustang (GT1) approaches the ITA Toyota of Devon Rose
- Robert Myles' ITA Mazda RX7 in the Carousel
- 1986 Mazda RX7 (ITS) of Scott Linton in the Carousel
- Bright yellow GTP of Richard Gwizdale, Jr. in the Carousel
- Mike Wagner's GTP leads a competitor down the Chute, turn 4
- The 1965 GT1 Mustang of Mark Dougherty in the Chute
- Ernest Fitzhugh's FP MG Midget approaches 5 in the Chute
- Mike Wagner's blue and gold GTP in the Chute
- Wayne Warehime (GTP), David Ross (Nissan), and Tony Zelones (Porsch) in turn 4
- James Cermak's 1988 ITA Volkswagen Golf GTI turns into the Carousel
- Turning in for the carousel, Clinton Jay Almond's 1988 CRX Si (ITA)
- Mike Wagner takes a wide line in his GTP through the Carousel
- GTPs, Wayne Warehime and Bruce McIntosh, in the Carousel
- The ITE BMW M3 of Alfred duPont enters turn 1
- Wayne Warehime (GTP) cuts inside of Chris Cobetto (RX7) through turn 1
- James Strauser's purple GTP in turn 1
- Jeannette L Udwary's GT1 Corvette enters Turn 1
- Gary Slifer's 1992 Chevrolet Camaro (T2) in turn 1
- GTP of Robert Audet in turn 1

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Track photos shot in 35mm with a Nikon F2020 or 6006 and a Sigma 28-200mm or Tamron 90-300 lens.
35mm negatives scanned with a Minolta Dimage Scan Dual slide/negative scanner.
All photographs and digital artwork copyright 1997, Michael Wendell.
Not to be reproduced in any form without written permission.